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Knowledge base
Easy Banking
Banking at Republic Bank
Can I open a Republic Bank checking account online?
Where can I find videos to learn how to use Republic Bank products and services?
What is my routing number?
Do you have any credit counseling information?
What are your hours and locations?
View all 15
Account Support
How do I find my full account/loan number in Online Banking?
What is the easiest way to close my account?
What is the status of my dispute?
What is a dormant account?
How do I find my full account/loan number in my mobile app*?
View all 27
Overdraft Honor & Account Shield
What does it mean to have Standard Overdraft Honor with Authorization?
What does it mean to have Standard Overdraft Honor without Authorization?
Can I choose No Coverage for Standard Overdraft Honor?
What is Overdraft?
How can I remove my account(s) from the Standard Overdraft Honor Program?
View all 20
Digital Account Opening
Is my online account opening application secure?
How can I open a Republic Bank Savings account online?
What account type is right for me?
What does it take to open an account online at Republic Bank?
Can I open a joint account online?
View all 13
Important Disclosures & Agreements
What are my rights to cancel or resolve a personal international wire error?
Where can I review the Republic Bank Privacy Policy?
What are my account rules for my deposit account?
Online & Mobile Banking End User Agreement
Nest Egg at Republic Bank
What is Nest Egg?
Video: The Nest Egg Experience
How do I connect with a Nest Egg advisor?
What is Republic Bank’s relationship with Nest Egg?
How do I get started with Nest Egg?
View all 14
Security Center
How to Secure Your Account
What if my online account may be compromised?
How can I change my username & password in my own account?
What can I do if I may have identity theft?
Is the mobile* banking app* secure on my device?
Can I use my app* while traveling outside of the United States?
View all 7
What is #BanksNeverAskThat ?
How do I know if a call, text, or email might be a trick?
Quiz: Can you outsmart a scammer?
Pay it Safe with Zelle®
VIDEO: How can I use Zelle® safely?
VIDEO: Zelle® | How it Works
VIDEO: Zelle® | Sending Money Safely
VIDEO: Zelle® | How to Spot a Pay Yourself Scam
VIDEO: Zelle® | How to Avoid Phishing Scams
View all 10
Debit Card Security
How can I travel safely and use my card?
What steps can I take if my debit/credit card is lost, stolen, or compromised?
What is a True Name™ Debit Card?
How can I reset my debit card PIN?
Can I use Online Banking to request a True Name debit card?
View all 28
Fraud Alerts
What are Fraud Alerts?
What phone number does Republic Bank alerts come from?
What is the Fraud Alerts phone number or short code?
How do I respond to Fraud Alerts?
Is the Fraud Alert service 24 hours, or only in certain windows?
View all 17
Card Alerts
Can I turn off my card(s) in my app*?
What is the card alerts short code or phone number?
Check Deposit Scams
Login Assistance
What makes a strong username & password?
How do I unlock & reset my password on my bank app*?
How can I unlock or reset my Personal Online & Mobile* Banking password?
How can I access my account if Republic Bank Login Assistance is not working for me?
How do I unlock & reset my password online?
View all 10
Identity Theft
How can I protect my privacy and prevent Identity Theft?
Where can I find credit bureau contact information?
How can I stay secure online?
How can I stay secure on my phone or mobile device?
How can I monitor my Credit Score safely?
View all 11
How to Stop a Payment
How can I stop a check payment?
Can I stop a payment I made using my account and routing number at Republic Bank?
Can I stop a Republic Bank Debit Card Transaction?
Can I stop an Online & Mobile Banking* Bill Pay payment?
Can I stop an Online & Mobile Banking* External Transfer?
View all 6
FDIC Information
What types of Republic Bank products are insured by the FDIC?
Can I review Deposit Insurance Brochures?
How does FDIC insurance work?
How do I know that Republic Bank is safe?
How do I know that my money is safe?
View all 10
Republic Bank Credit Cards
Managing My Credit Cards
Where do I find my Credit Card in my account?
What is the easiest way to pay my Credit Card payment?
How do I pay my Republic Bank MasterCard credit card?
How do I report a lost or stolen Credit Card?
How do I file a Republic Bank Credit Card dispute?
View all 20
Personal Online & Mobile Banking
Getting Started
How do I enroll for Personal Online & Mobile Banking*?
VIDEO: What is Easy Support?
My registration is pending for review. When can I log in?
What services are offered in online banking?
How do I get the Republic Bank Mobile Banking app?
View all 10
General Questions
How do I enable my phone to receive texts for verification?
Can I have online banking if I do not have a social security number?
Can I order checks online?
How do I change my email in my Personal Online & Mobile Banking?
Can my child have online banking?
View all 12
App Updates
How do I download the Republic Bank mobile app in my iOS App Store?
What operating system version does the Republic Bank Mobile app* support?
How do I know if I am on the most up to date app version?
How do I turn on automatic updates for the Republic Bank app on Android?
How do I turn on automatic updates for the Republic Bank app on my iPhone or iPad?
View all 8
Account Alerts & Text Message Banking
How do I sign up for Account Alerts & Notifications?
How do I sign up for Account Push Notifications?
What does an SMS Text Account Alert look like in my text messages?
How secure is Text Message Banking?
Will I be charged for Text Message Banking?
View all 23
Account & Card Management Forms
Account & Card Management Forms
How can I update my contact information when recent changes were made to my account?
How can I delete my Online & Mobile Banking* account?
Account Customization
How can I customize My Accounts display preferences?
How can I Favorite my accounts in online banking?
How can I Favorite My Accounts in the app?
Where are my external accounts coming from on my Accounts display when I first log in?
How can I hide, show, rename, or reorder my accounts in online banking?
View all 8
Bill Pay
How can I cancel a Bill Pay payment online?
How do I pay a bill using online Bill Pay?
Why can't I edit my payee address?
How do I set up automatic payments in online Bill Pay?
What is the delivery time for a check using Bill Pay?
View all 33
Browser Support
What does it mean to clear my cookies, history, site data, & cache?
Should I let my browser remember my password?
Google Chrome: Recommended Browser Settings
Google Chrome: Clearing Cache & Cookies
Google Chrome: Save or Forget Passwords
View all 13
Card Alerts & Controls
Where do I find the Card Alerts & Controls feature?
VIDEO: How do I secure my Republic Bank credit or debit card in Card Alerts & Controls?
What are Card Alerts & Controls*?
How do I sign up for Card Alerts & Controls?
How do I set a blocked Spend Limit and create an alert?
View all 17
Credit Score, powered by SavvyMoney®
Where can I access my credit score online or in the app?
How do I enroll in Republic Bank Credit Score, powered by SavvyMoney?
How soon after enrollment in Credit Score* will I have access to my credit score?
How can Republic Bank Credit Score* help me?
Is Republic Bank Credit Score* free?
View all 24
Dispute a Transaction
Where can I dispute a transaction in my Online & Mobile Banking account?
What do I need to dispute a transaction online or in the mobile banking app?
How do I dispute a debit card transaction online?
How do I file a dispute for a transaction that is processed using my account and routing number at Republic Bank online?
How can I dispute a transaction in the mobile banking app?
View all 33
External Transfers
VIDEO: Connecting External Accounts
VIDEO: How to Move Money using External Transfers
How do I add and verify an account in External Transfers using instant verification in the app?
How do I add and verify an account using bank deposits in External Transfers in the app?
How do I add and verify an account using bank deposits in External Transfers in my online banking?
View all 29
Mobile Deposit
How do I deposit checks using the Republic Bank Mobile app*?
Do I need to sign my Mobile Deposit*?
What type of light and surface do I need for Mobile Deposit*?
Can I deposit a folded, ripped, or torn check?
Do I need all sides and corners in the check image?
View all 25
Money Management
VIDEO: What is Money Management?
VIDEO: How do I add an account to Money Management?
VIDEO: How do I view my transactions in Money Management?
VIDEO: How do I view my spending by category?
VIDEO: How do I set up budgets and track my spending habits?
View all 11
Pay Loan with External Funds
How can I add an external account to my loan pay tool?
How can I access the mobile loan payment tool to pay with an outside account?
How do I access the online loan payment tool to pay with my outside account?
How do I make payments in Pay Loan with External Funds?
How do I set up a recurring payment rule to my Republic Bank loan from an external account in my app*?
View all 11
Personal Login Help
How do I get my username?
What can I do if my code is not coming to my phone?
Purchase Rewards
What is Purchase Rewards?
How does Purchase Rewards work?
Can I use any of my Republic Bank cards to earn rewards?
How do I activate offers in Purchase Rewards?
How do I search for offers in Purchase Rewards?
View all 46
Send Money with Zelle®
What is Send Money with Zelle®?
How do I sign up for Zelle® at Republic Bank?
How do I find Zelle in the app?
How can I change my mobile number/email address linked to another banks Zelle account?
What types of payments can I make with Zelle?
View all 25
Statements & Documents
What is Statements & Documents?
Where can I find my statement in my mobile app?
Can I receive electronic and paper statements at the same time?
How far back can I view my statements in my account?
How do I change my delivery preferences in Statements & Documents?
View all 6
Updates for You
What is Updates for You?
Where do I find Updates for You?
Am I automatically enrolled in Updates for You?
How do I delete Updates for You notifications?
How can I manage push notifications connected to the Updates for You feature?
View all 6
Republic Bank Lending
General Lending
How can I apply for a loan at Republic Bank?
Mortgage Assistance & Repayment Options
What can I do if I am having difficulty paying my Republic Bank mortgage payments?
What are the most common mortgage assistance options I may qualify for?
Loan Payments
How soon will a late charge be assessed to my loan when my payment is late?
I want to pay my Revolving/Home Equity Line of Credit down to a zero balance but would like to leave it open for future use. What do I need to do?
Is the “Pay to Zero” amount the same as my principal balance?
What do I do if I can't make my loan payment?
What is the best way to pay my Republic Bank loan?
View all 6
Loan Payoff
Can I request a payoff quote in the Republic Bank Mobile app*?
I am ready to payoff my loan. Do I need to request a payoff quote?
What happens to the funds in the escrow account after my loan is paid off?
Once I order a payoff quote, do I need to continue making the regular monthly payments?
Can I payoff my loan with an on-line payment?
View all 6
Where do I send my property tax bill?
What is the mortgagee clause?
I received a letter requesting proof of insurance (force place).
Do I have to pay my escrow shortage?
Why did my payment still go up even though I paid my escrow shortage?
View all 26
Homeowner Insurance
What's homeowner's insurance?
Why does Republic Bank Home Mortgage require at least 100% repair or replacement cost coverage?
What if I don't have enough coverage?
How can I prove that I have adequate insurance?
How do I pay my homeowners insurance premiums?
View all 6
Mortgage Insurance
What's mortgage insurance premium (MIP) and private mortgage insurance (PMI)?
How do I pay for MIP or PMI?
How do I know if I have MIP or PMI?
When can my MIP be removed?
When can my PMI be removed?
View all 6
Flood Insurance
What's flood insurance?
Who determines if my house is in a Special Flood Hazard Area?
Can I purchase flood insurance even if it's not required for me?
What are the coverage requirements for flood insurance?
What do I have to send you to prove I have adequate insurance?
View all 11
Lender-Placed Insurance
What's lender-placed insurance?
What's the difference between lender-placed insurance and insurance I purchase myself?
Will Republic Bank purchase lender-placed insurance without my knowledge?
How will I be billed for lender-placed insurance?
Can I cancel lender-placed insurance?
View all 6
Aircraft Lending
How do I apply for an aircraft loan?
Why should I use Republic Bank & Trust for my aircraft lending needs?
Can I be pre-approved prior to making an offer on an aircraft?
How much are the closing cost for an aircraft loan?
Do I need my complete Tax Return to apply for an aircraft loan?
View all 14
Business Banking
Business Online Banking
How do I add an authorized user or a new account to my current Business Online Banking setup?
Can I share my login credentials?
How often do I have to change my password and what are the password requirements for Business Online Banking?
What online browsers are supported?
How can I add accounts or users to my Business Online Banking account?
View all 15
eZBusiness Quick Tips
How do I download a statement in my business online banking account?