FDIC Information
Checking Accounts Money Market Accounts Savings Accounts Certificates of Deposit (including IRA Accounts) Can't find what you're looking ...
Wed, 21 Jun, 2023 at 1:45 PM
You can review the latest deposit insurance brochures, in English or Spanish, or large print, at FDIC: Deposit Insurance Brochures*. *By clicking on th...
Mon, 25 Nov, 2024 at 4:18 PM
You can learn more about how FDIC insurance works by visiting the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation resources at https://www.fdic.gov/resources/deposit-...
Wed, 21 Jun, 2023 at 1:47 PM
Deposits up to $250,000 with Republic are FDIC insured and, in addition, Republic remains a strong and well capitalized bank. We continue to grow and are he...
Wed, 21 Jun, 2023 at 1:47 PM
Deposits with Republic Bank are FDIC insured up to $250,000 or more (depending on ownership titles) and Republic Bank continues to meet the regulatory requi...
Wed, 21 Jun, 2023 at 1:49 PM
Republic Bank's CDARS program is a great way to obtain qualifying FDIC insurance up to $50 million! Can't find what you're looking for? Con...
Wed, 21 Jun, 2023 at 1:49 PM
Yes, if you are a corporation, partnership, limited liability company or unincorporated association you are FDIC insured up to a maximum of $250,000. Can...
Wed, 21 Jun, 2023 at 1:49 PM
Yes, but as a sole proprietor, the money in your business account is added to any other single accounts you have and you are FDIC insured to a maximum of $2...
Wed, 21 Jun, 2023 at 1:50 PM
You can calculate your FDIC insurance coverage by using the Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator by visiting the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation at ...
Wed, 21 Jun, 2023 at 1:51 PM
You can review the latest Republic Bank news at https://republicbank.q4ir.com/overview/corporate-profile/default.aspx* . Can't find what you're...
Wed, 21 Jun, 2023 at 1:52 PM