Republic Bank uses encryption for online security. Encryption technology helps provide secure transmission of information along the Internet by encoding the transmitted data using a mathematical formula to scramble the data. Without a corresponding "decoder," the transmission would look like nonsense text and would be unusable. Encryption technology can be used for a host of applications, including electronic commerce (sending credit card numbers for orders or transmitting account information), e-mail messages and sensitive documents. Encryption is utilized with the transmission of data from one party to another. The sender encodes the data by scrambling it and then sends it on. The receiver must decode the data with the correct "decoder" in order to read and use it. The effectiveness (or level of security) for encryption is measured in terms of how long the key is - the longer the key, the longer it would take for someone without the correct "decoder" to break the code. The length of the key is measured in bits (e.g., 40-bit encryption, the level of encryption used with many ordinary browsers, versus 128-bit encryption, the level of encryption required to use this application).

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