If you sent a payment or shared your private account information related to a bank imposter scam by call, text, or email, please contact us right away.

If you received a suspicious call, text, or email but did not respond, send a payment, or share your private account information, open an Easy Support ticket. If possible, please include these details:

  • Call date and time
  • Number or identification number that appeared on the caller ID
  • Phone number the bank impersonator called to reach you.
  • Other details you can recall about the interaction or applicable screenshot of call, text, or email details.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recommends these reporting steps after you’ve contacted us:


*By clicking on this link, you are leaving the Republic Bank website and will be going to a website operated by a third party which is not affiliated with Republic Bank. That site has a privacy policy and security practices that are different from Republic Bank's website. The privacy and security policies of Republic Bank's website do not apply to the third-party website, and we encourage you to read and evaluate the privacy and security policies of the site you are entering. Republic Bank is not responsible for the content or practices of third parties.

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