Before submitting your last payoff amount to your loan, we will need you to submit a Payoff Request to our Loan Team by using the Loan Payoff digital form available in “Self-Service Center” within your Online & Mobile* Banking account to give you the most accurate payoff amount and avoid any delay in closing your loan. The Loan Team will deliver your payoff quote to you directly during business hours following the submission of the Loan Payoff form.
You can also contact us directly or contact Republic Bank at (502) 584-3600 to order a payoff quote.
To access the Loan Payoff Quote form in Online & Mobile Banking, hover over More Services in the online banking menu, then select “Self-Service Center.” On the mobile banking app*, tap Services on the bottom app menu, then tap “Self-Service Center.” Select the “Loan Payoff Quote” form in the Republic Bank Service Center landing page.
*Message and data rates may apply from your wireless carrier.